Terms of Use

Terms of Use



1. スペースの営業は土曜日のみ、利用できる時間はAM9:00~PM3:00です。
2. PM3:00以降の利用時間延長はできませんのでご了承ください。
3. スペースの利用には事前予約が必要です。予約なしではご利用できません。
4. 小学4年生以下のお子様は利用者の付き添いであっても入室できませんのでご了承ください。



ご利用に際しての注意点 / 責任区分




1. 申し込み時の予約者情報(氏名・法人/団体名・電話番号・メールアドレス等)、使用目的、使用方法が事実と反していると当事業者が判断した場合
2. 同業者を含む民間企業、及び組織・団体が営利目的として利用する場合
3. 他の利用者や当社近隣住民等に迷惑を及ぼす恐れがあると当事業者が判断した場合
4. 公序良俗に反すると当事業者が認めたとき
5. 暴力団関係者、その他反社会団体に属する者と認められる場合
6. 風紀上または安全管理上、不適当と当事業者が認めたとき
7. 当事業者の注意に従わないなど、利用規約に反し不適当と当事業者が認めたとき

Hours of Use

1. the space is only open on Saturdays and can be used from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM
2.Please note that it is not possible to extend the hours of use after 3:00 PM.
3. prior booking is required to use the space. The space cannot be used without a reservation.
4. please note that children below 4th grade are not allowed to enter the space even if accompanied by a user.

Payment of Usage Fees

Payment must be made in cash at reception before using the space.
If you require a receipt, please ask at reception.
Those purchasing fabrics and products must pay in cash at the time of purchase.

Precautions for use / Liability category

Regarding injuries, loss, theft and damage to property
TThe operator is not responsible for and will not compensate for any damage related to injury or loss, theft or destruction of goods on the company's premises, including parking, or in the space.
Please use the sewing machines with care and under the guidance of our staff. Hazardous materials such as needles, scissors and cutters, as well as food and alcoholic beverages, are not permitted.
Please take care of your valuables at your own risk.
In the event of defacement, damage or loss of buildings, equipment or fixtures on our premises, or in the event of damage to third parties such as other users, you must compensate us for any damage suffered by the contractor or third parties at the time.
In addition, if the Company is unable to use the space due to the above, the Company shall bear the actual costs of the damage and lost profits.
In the event that the use of the space is cancelled due to force majeure such as earthquakes and other disasters, stormy weather, traffic conditions, etc., guidance from government authorities or other reasons not attributable to the Company, the operator shall not be liable for any damages.
The Terms of Use and the use of our space shall be governed by the laws and regulations in force in Japan, and the Fukui District Court shall be the exclusive court of first instance for lawsuits relating to the use of our space.

Restrictions and prohibitions on use

If any of the following apply, the application will be cancelled or the use of the premises will be suspended and the user will be asked to leave.
In such cases, the user shall bear the costs of any damages incurred and the operator shall not be liable for any such damages.
Please note that even after payment of the usage fee, the usage fee received will not be refunded.

1. if the operator determines that the information of the person making the reservation (name, name of company/organisation, telephone number, e-mail address, etc.), purpose of use or method of use at the time of application is contrary to the facts
2. private companies, including peers, and organisations and associations for commercial purposes
3. if the operator considers that there is a risk of causing inconvenience to other users, our neighbours, etc.
4. when the operator considers that it is contrary to public order and morals.
5. if they are deemed to be a member of a crime syndicate or other anti-social organisation
6. when the operator considers it inappropriate in terms of public morals or safety management.
7. when the operator recognises that the user is in breach of the terms of use and is inappropriate, for example by not following the operator’s instructions.


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